First Church Invercargill
October 2007
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By Olwyn Dykes
Members of the Tay Music Trust are looking forward to their Spring Concert, which should be an exceptionally good one.

It would be even better if more members of our congregation would support it by coming along and encouraging these young people in their performances.

A considerable amount of work and planning goes into these presentations and the Trust would really like to see the Church fuller for this concert.

This is part of our Church's outreach, so will you help by coming along on Sunday afternoon, 14 October at 2.30pm?

Varied programme from Concert South
Clarinetist Emma Pay is joined by four musical friends in a programme arranged by Concert South of music by composers from across the ages in First Church on Saturday, 6 October at 7.30pm.

Joining Emma are Kevin Lo (flute), Hannah Sellars (clarinet), Sarah Taylor (oboe) and Katie Taylor (violin).

With accompanists John Van Buskirk, Hazel Christie and Jeanette Robertson, they will present a programme entitled "From Baroque to Contemporary."

Composers represented in the selections include Arnold, Berio, Brahms, Dunhill, Mozart, Prokofiev, Rossini, Schumann and Tartini.

Changes made in elders' districts
By Craig Stoneman
Parish Clerk
It is possible that this newsletter is being distributed by an elder who hasn't visited you before. Elders visit church members, associate members (previously called adherents) and some others who have a connection to the church but rarely or never attend. We see this as an important part of our duties as elders.

Some years ago church parish boundaries were abandoned in recognition of the fact that the majority of people will travel to the church of their choice rather than be confined to a local church. Nowadays our congregation is spread over a wide area and the population isn't static. The loss of some members, the addition of new ones and changes of addresses of others means that we have to make sure that the visiting elders have a balanced number of people to call on.

We have tried to make as few changes as possible because over the years a special relationship often develops. It's not intended that this causes upset. If you would still like your previous elder to visit I encourage you to let us know and remember that this isn't a one-sided relationship and they might appreciate a visit from you!

More knitters welcome
The Knit-Wits group, which meets fortnightly on Fridays, is continuing to knit blankets and children's clothing for orphanages in Eastern Europe for distribution through "Operation Cover-Up."

Wool and patterns are available for anyone willing to help. Some patterns are placed in a plastic pocket on the Ythan Street notice board. Please phone Florence (217-0902) or Jenny (230-4413) for further information.

Members of the First Church Youth Group and supporters photographed on a visit to the Gore Ice Rink. Back row (from left) Rosemary Goodwin, Bruce Buxton.
Second row: Robert Gray, Richard Gray, Katherine Goodwin, Julia Day, Elizabeth Goodwin. Third row: Edward Gray, Kayla Remnant, Alesha Ngawhiri, Erin Kennedy.
Front row: Hollee Jarman, Bobbee Jarman, Alesha McGee.

Recent events in the Sunday School
By Barbara Cocker
On Friday 6 July the Sunday School farewelled the Eyles family in the form of a potluck tea at the Manse. We presented this remarkable family with a small photo album that captured some of the many memories that we shared at First Church together.

I gave each of the children a bright helium balloon which created much excitement that night in the Manse household. The Eyles family has relocated to Dunedin where Derek's school project is based. They are living in the suburb of Saint Leonards. To lose 6 children from the Sunday School has left a big gap, so if you know of a child or family who might enjoy Sunday School life, please bring them along. We would love to meet them.

This term we have focused on two topics; people of faith and helping others. There are many people of faith in the Bible: Abraham and Sarah left the comfort of their home to travel to an unknown land according to God's will. God promised them that in spite of their age, they would have more descendants than there are stars in the sky and grains of sand on the shore. The Sunday School children made a mural out of sand showing the names of some of the descendants from Abraham and Sarah who had great faith in God.

As you may be aware, the Sunday School is in the process of sponsoring a child through Tear Fund with the help of the Bible Class and some members of the congregation. Once the project gets under way, it is my intention that the Sunday School children will learn from this experience of watching an underprivileged child's life change for the better. A sponsored child corresponds regularly which keeps everyone informed on his or her progress. Many thanks to those of you who have come on board with this project.

On a recent Sunday the children brought cans of food for the Foodbank. To make it interesting, we designed a Sunday School logo and taped our logos to the tins of food and deposited them in the Foodbank basket
Thank you for your continued support of the Sunday School and many thanks to my helpers Pam Watt, Judy Christie, Barbara Clark, Jenny Grandiek, Valda Peattie and previously Bruce Buxton ,who take turns to pop out each Sunday to help with activity time. My thanks also to Heather Kennedy and Richard Gray for their enthusiastic support.

Garage Sale
October is Garage Sale month once more and this year the sale will be held on Saturday 27 October in Stobo Hall beginning at 9am
Some goods have already been collected and are stored in the room alongside the stage but there is plenty more room if you have items to add to the sale. The car park entrance is open each day, Monday to Friday, from l0am to 12 noon and on Friday 26 October from 10am to 7pm when the sale will be set up. If you have goods to give but need them picked up, please phone Heather on 218-9250 or David on 217-7789.
Items required include
o Homemade baking, pickles, jams, sweets etc, which always sell well.
o Household goods, books and magazines, toys, plants, clothing.
o Anything else you think is likely to sell.
The Parish Council appreciates the generous response of the congregation which has made past sales an important source of finance for church projects. The proceeds of this sale will go to the Refurbishment Fund.

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Minister: The Rev Richard Gray
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