First Church Invercargill
October 2007
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Treasurer reports a successful year

By Rev Alan Matheson
Parish Treasurer
Well, the audit has been completed and the accounts for 2006-07 signed off.

I have to report that all in all, it was a successful year - thanks in no small way to each and every one of you who dug deep to help us with an excess of income over expenditure. But saying that there are a couple of extenuating circumstances that contributed to this situation - and I shall be speaking more about those at the forthcoming Annual Meeting when the accounts will be opened up for discussion.

As to the current year, 2007-08, I can see on the horizon a couple of matters that will need the Finance Committee's close attention. The first is that we have budgeted for a loss of in excess of $30,000. In other words there is, at this point in time the possibility that we will have to uplift one third of our deposits with the Westpac Bank just to pay our way. How did we arrive at that figure? Well, all groups within the parish were asked to submit to the Finance Committee a budget for this year. They were received, tabled, vetted, and then applied across the board. The expected spending was balanced against expected income, and the result - an expected excess of spending over income. Again, more of this at the forthcoming AGM.

The second matter that is going to require some attention is the Charities Commission. That is the result of an Act of Parliament requiring organizations, such as churches, to register with the Commission to avoid having to pay taxes on income. There is still a lot of work to do on this, but it would appear that some groups within the parish will need to be registered if they want to avoid paying out taxes. Again, as information comes to hand, the groups concerned will be advised.

Without going into the year in detail - all will be revealed when the Annual Report is distributed - I really cannot close off this year without paying tribute to Pam Whiteford - our up-front, hard-working Parish Secretary. She really has been a tower of strength to the Finance Committee; and I am sure all members of the Committee join me in expressing to her a great big "Thank you Pam!"

Remember that once the accounts for the year are in your hands, if you have questions to raise, you have two options - contact me or come to the Parish AGM, with your prepared questions. Thanks to you all.

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