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What is E-SOUL?
The 12 nations represented at the first ESOUL meeting in February
included Kazakhstan, Brazil, India, Mexico, Russia, China, Sri Lanka,
Korea, Taiwan, Malaysia, Indonesia and the United States of America.
ESOUL provides a supportive gathering place for students and immigrants
who have moved to Southland. We practice and develop understanding
of the English language by participating in conversations and meaningful
interactions over a light meal.
ESOL is an acronym for English for Speakers of Other Languages.
We added the "U" to demonstrate our ethos of recognizing
"YOU" the individual, not just the required proficiency
score. We believe that through forming relationships in class, and
beyond, we are supporting those who are calling this area home for
varying periods of time. It is our experience that students feel
welcomed by the use of First Church facilities, and while being
served by its members, and this often leads to faith-based questions.
- Jen Richardson
Quarterly Communion
The next Holy Communion will be held on Sunday 12th March.
As decided recently by Parish Council, you are no longer required
to bring your communion card. If a card has been delivered to you
by your elder, this is your invitation to attend Communion.
The Sacrament of Holy Communion is open to everyone.
The invitation to the table is from Jesus Christ who is the host.
World Day of Prayer
A service prepared by women of the Philippian Islands,
at St. Mary's Basilica, Friday 4th March, 2017.
Service at 2pm, followed by afternoon tea.
Please bring a plate and an offering for the collection.
Dates to Remember
Church Worship: is held every Sunday at 10.00am.
Sunday School and Bible Study Group form part of our Worship Service,
departing after the choir anthem.
Choir: Practice every Thursday 7.00pm.
Junior Choir: Wednesday and Thursday 6.30pm - 7.30pm.
Women's Evening Group: 1st Wednesday, each month 7.30pm in Central
Hall. Next meeting - 1 March 2017.
Worship Committee: Meets after worship on 1st Sunday, alternate
months. Grab a cuppa and join us in Central Hall. Next meeting -
5 March 2017.
Property and Works: 2nd Tuesday each month, 4.30pm in the Seminar
Room. Next meeting - 14 March 2017.
Finance Committee: 3rd Wednesday each month, 12.15pm. in the Seminar
Room. Next meeting - 15 March 2017.
Pastoral Committee: 4th Wednesday, alternate months, at 7.30pm,
meets in the Seminar Room for all elders. Next meeting - Wednesday
26 April 2017.
Parish Council: 4th Wednesday alternate months, in the Seminar
Room at 7.30pm. Next meeting - 22 March 2017.
Open Table: Usually the last Friday of each month at various venues,
watch bulletin notices for details. Call the office on 218 2560
to put your name down on the diners list. Next lunch - 31 March
Knitwits: 10 am Friday, fortnightly - next meeting 10 March 2017.
Come and join the ladies for some good yarns, knitting and crochet
over a shared morning tea in Seminar Room.
E-Soul: 5.30 - 7pm Thursdays during SIT term times.
Diary notes for Lent and Easter
These will commence on Sunday evening
March 12th @ 6pm with a pot-luck tea and movie (on the life of Dietrich
Bonhoeffer) at the Minister's home - 222 Spey Street.
Enquiries to Reverend Nyalle or Sophia on home phone: 214-1475 or
All welcome. Please R.S.V.P. by Thursday 09 March 8pm.
Sunday 9th April at 10am - Palm Sunday service
Monday April 10th to Thursday April 13th
at Inner City venues 12.10pm to 12.40pm
Come along in your work lunch break for a time of reflective preparation
for Easter.
Thursday April 13th - Tenebrae service
Friday April 14th - Good Friday service
Sunday April 16th - Easter Sunday service